11 January, 2007

Crap. Again.

Sadly, I had a post all prepared in my head but events conspired (as they so often do) to overthrow all those planned out anythings in my life. It was all a normal, routine day (well...ish, considering I'm at my parents' house instead of home). I was down in the city running errands, going to a checkup with the orthopaedist, then on the way back wanted to swing by the old apartment since apparently the people at AU are worthless and have been forwarding all my mail there.

Mail in hand, headed to the bus stop. Waiting at the bus stop, opened the mail. According to a letter received from AES, since I dropped out of school my loan payments start March 1st 2007 instead of five years after graduation. ...WEPDIGAJPAJG?!?@!

Okay, please, help me with the logic here. Loan company refuses to give student loans, forcing student to drop out of college. Loan company then comes sharking after student to repay old loans. They're expecting me to pay with what, exactly? (Blood?) The whole reason I have to drop out in the first place is because those a-holes refused to give me any financial assistance this year and, as such, I can't afford school!!! If I can't afford it now, how am I expected to afford the loans I wasn't supposed to have to worry about until 2014???

It always happens like this. Whenever I'm starting to feel somewhat okay about things, think they're on the incline, another shitbomb falls into my lap. I say it every time: there is someone up there who refuses to see me happy. (Family, don't start. If you're going to say this is god's loving way of pulling me back by making me desperate you can think again. Since god is sovereign over events, all this is his fault in the first place and he'd better stop causing new and improved crap if he wants me to grovel.) Is my life just some sort of f-d up Dick and Jane parable about good behavior?

Over and over I hear people tell me what an enouragement I am, how they are inspired by my story and my strength to keep fighting. Well you know what? EAT ME!!! I need HELP right now, not empty words, and obviously whatever 'strength' people think I have counts for diddly squat when a person actually needs to survive.

I spend my days fighting for air from the moment I wake up, battling and kicking and screaming and demanding my right to live and have a life, and it's never enough. I get trampled, discriminated against, shoved through cracks in policy outlines, mummified in red tape, ignored when I plead for help and hounded when I have nothing left to give. I can't afford a car without working and I can't get to work without a car. I've made t'shirts and just want to give them away and talk to every girl who wants one, to get the message out, and I can't even afford postage unless I receive money. I spend hours writing letters and Christmas cards and e-mails to people I care about, even if they don't know who I am. I walk around all day looking at the world through a writerly screen, searching for things that matter and things that don't. Turning every life event, store manequin, weird commercial into a blog entry in my head, something that might make people laugh or think or feel.

At this point I don't even see the point in school. The bureaucratic torture chamber has driven me mad, I can't see how the education, no matter how beautiful, is worth it. I'll teach myself on my own as I have since grade school. I'd probably get a better education that way. But I wouldn't have a f-ing piece of paper certifying I'd done the study and graduated from the university and so I'd get automatically fed minimum wage.

Bridges are looking mighty damn better than the alternatives right now. Just when I'd finally gotten thinking that maybe I really DO want to stick around.


Siri said...

You know what? It's f-cking embarrassing that they can to that to people! And no one deserves it, least of all you! I wish there was anything I could do to help you, I really do, But there is n't really anything to say there, is it?

The only thing I can say is that you just made me remember that there is a hell lot of people that has to live through things I ever will have to worrie about, and that I god damm need to shape up stop feeling sorry for myself and do something constructive with my life.
Is there anything I can do to help you? (Maybe bomthreat someone?) I will.

All my best wishes/Siri

Dechant said...

The system sucks, abso-freaking-lutely. G-d loan companies jump on the people who can't necessarily pay, the bastards, hoping to recoup their "losses" (as if anyone's education counts as a loss!).

My head will be in a better place soon, and I will open all the mail, tend to my friends as lovingly as ever, and WRITE BACK. I will. Just stick it out with me, 'kay? After all, what higher power would think to save Severus Snape's bastard daughter over someone who's done so much good in the world?

I love you, I love you, I love you... ad infinitum. You're welcome at my home whenever, you know? I can't send plane tickets (we're all broke) but I can give you a warm, loving place to bunk down. You're my sister-at-heart and family takes care of its own.

Courtney Conversation said...

I couldn't help but follow you to your new blog ! It's PaintMeUpSomethingElegant from Xanga and I'm just as excited about this blog as I was about the other. I'll always keep reading. <3

Well wishes!

Cynth said...

Hey I just wanted to say hey and that it was good to see you tonight...maybe I'll see you again? Though doubtful as I'll be heading back to school a week from Monday..but anyway truly was good to see you!